Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ok. So "Adds" whoever you are...Who are you? and why are you stalking us? We just want to know your true identity, or you will be blocked. If you are too lazy to make a public profile, then you don't deserve to see our blogs...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Are You Gay???!!!

So apparently, according to Maryanne, this is the new way to say like "Are you serious?" or "What the hell (or fuck)?" or "Are you mad?!"

Mr. Hernandez: blah blah blah
Brandon: I think we're going to have to to translate the recipe for homework...
Maryanne (looking at Mr. Hernandez): "Are you GAY!?!?!"

It was hilarious
You had to be there
We were all stunned!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


All this anger manifesting itself into my blog
Words and powerful
And while words eventually die (Maryanne),
they can make a huge impact while they're alive!

Family Ties Broken

Dear Uncle, your mother is not the only problem.
As you detest everyone within this household, you are the true root of the problem with this "so called" family.
It is all your fault, and I hated you ever since then.
You warped and corrupted everyone here.
I'm sorry.
I try to remain civil, but my grip is slowly, but surely wearing away.
I want out of this house.
I've never wanted to move as much as I do now.
I want to go somewhere nearby where my mother, brother, sister and myself can finally live in peace and quiet.
I surely hope that once my life at Bishop Amat is over, I move out of this cursed house.
That is all I want.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You Call This A Family?

I don't think so.
We're just people put together in a house who don't get along.
We used to, but that was what? Almost 10 years ago?
Anything is better than this?
I just, I can't do it anymore.
If one more person yells, I will be there to explode in their face and show them that they're no longer the power master in this house.
I am sick and tired of being the only adult in my house.
I just want it to stop.
So. dear grandmother, since you are the problem, don't be shocked when I turn against you after all these years.
You WILL see how good my Spanish is when I retaliate at your leisure.