Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just A Quick Memory....

So, yesterday in Spanish, Maryanne asked me if Mr. Hernandez ever showed us what grade we got for our final. I said 'No' and she said to asked him. But then I told her that she should ask him. Then, she was speaking and I really thought she was going to ask, but...

Maryanne: Has he showed us our grades for our final yet?
Me: No.
Maryanne: Ask him!
Me: No, you ask him.
Maryanne: Senor!...................Brandon has a question!
Me: (Hesitant) *Gasp* Uhh...yeah-- you never showed us our grades that we got on the final.....

So yeah. Maryanne totally tried to sell me out. But if was funny. I wasn't expecting it.

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